Monday, 27 February 2012

The client is always right... or so they tell me!

Before I start this blog entry, I must emphasise that none of the below gems have come from any of my own current or past clients. They are all far too discerning! But they are all apparently genuine dialogues between copywriters and their clients, according to

Client: I really don’t like what you’ve done with the copy I wrote.
Copywriter: All I did was just proof-read it and correct the spelling mistakes. 
Client: There was no need to be so bloody thorough! 

Client: Yes, send the copy to me. I probably won’t have time to read it and give you feedback, so if you don’t hear back from me, just think what I would say and rewrite it.

Client: Thanks for sending us your copy. We just had to make a few gramerical corrections.

Copywriter: Hi, I’m just updating the copy, and I was wondering if you really meant to say ‘programs’ in the third paragraph?
Client: NO. What I sent you was completely accurate. I wrote and edited it myself. Just copy it over exactly as it says. 
Copywriter: It says: ‘Please indicate which pogroms you’ve attended?’
Client: Oh yeah, sorry, that should be ‘programs’.

Client: I love the headline, but can’t you make it more….punchy somehow?
Copywriter: I don’t think it can really be any more punchy than ‘We Buy Gold’.
Client: I want more punch!
Copywriter: ‘Sell Your Gold Here’?
Client: No, I absolutely hate that. The last one was better. Just make it more punchy. I want it to jump off the page.
Copwriter‘We Buy Gold’
Client: There we go, that wasn’t so hard! But it’s still missing something... can you make it more glamorous? The last thing we want is people to think we’re low quality.
Copywriter‘We Buy Gold’
Client: Perfect!

Client: We’d like you to write an article on the way the market has changed in the last 10 years, and why… And in it, we want you to plug our company. Make us look really good. And no facts or stats, please. We don’t need any of those.

Client: What do you mean ‘payment’? You told me you were a freelancer?

Hmm - any of these sound familiar?