As always, we know what they were meaning to say, but it sort of came out wrong?!
We hope you enjoy these just as much...
- Monday’s healing services will be discontinued until further notice due to the Vicar’s illness.
- African missionary Bertha Belch will be speaking tonight at the Church Hall. Come and hear Bertha Belch all the way from Africa!
- The Vicar spoke briefly, much to the delight of the audience.
- The Vicar will preach his farewell sermon, after which the choir will sing the Hallelujah chorus.
- Next Sunday, Mrs Bloggs will play the organ for the morning service. The Vicar will then speak on “It’s a Terrible Experience.”
- Jane remains in the hospital and is having trouble sleeping - she has asked for some recordings of the Vicar’s sermons.
- During the absence of our Vicar, we enjoyed the rare privilege of hearing a good sermon when Rev. Stubbs took to the pulpit.
- John Brown and Sarah Smith were married on October 24. So ends a friendship that began during their school days.
- The Drama Club will be presenting Shakespeare’s 'Hamlet' in the Church Hall on Friday evening. Everyone is cordially invited to attend this tragedy.
- Please put your donation in the envelope, along with the deceased person you want remembered.
- Let us join David and Lisa in the celebration of their wedding – and bring their happiness to a conclusion.
- Diana and Don request your presents at their wedding next Saturday.
- The Low Self-Esteem Support Group meets every Thursday at 7pm. Please use the back door.
- During the Easter Service, two members of the choir sang a duet – ‘The Lord Knows Why’.
- Any members of the congregation who enjoy sinning are cordially invited to join the choir.
- The third verse of Hymn 364 will be sung without any musical accomplishment.
- The music for today’s service was all composed by Handel in celebration of the 300th anniversary of his birth.
- Miss Sally Smith sang “I will not pass this way again” – giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.
- National Prayer and Fasting conference: Please note - the cost for this conference includes meals.
- The Women’s Institute will host an evening of fine dining, superb entertainment, and gracious hostility.
- Weight Watchers meets every Friday at 6pm. Please use the double doors at the side entrance.
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